Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Tish and family. I remember being invited to go sailing with Bernie, Anita and Tish up to Manitoulin island. It was the summer of 1975 if I recall correctly. And it was an experience I'll never forget. Bernie was the most amazing sailor and mentor, patiently teaching me how to sail, including tying a sailors knot and all the necessary nautical terms. I was only sea sick once during a storm and I remember Bernie telling Tish to grab on to my legs as I leaned overboard because I would want to jump in the water to rid myself of the motion sickness, which is exactly what I wanted to do! So because of his intuitiveness, "man overboard" was not one of the nautical terms I experienced! His love and knowledge of sailing made this adventure one of my favourite experiences. Thank you Bernie for this opportunity. I hope you are at peace now. Tish and family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Kim Hutchison (Beneteau)