Monday, January 14, 2019
To Janet & Tom, Gary & Kathy, Mathew, Spencer & Nicholas, and my children, Adam & Jennifer and all family & friends of Gus. I wish to share my favourite story about Gus. This memory is from the first time that Janet & I were invited to dinner by Gus & Cora. It was a Sunday, and Cora had cooked chicken. So, Cora cooks this large chicken, and we arrive and I have the munchies, so when dinner is served, I proceed to eat several plates of chicken, much to the amazement of Gus & Cora. Unbeknownst to me, Cora had cooked the large chicken for Gus' lunches that week and I had eaten most of it. Needless to say the next time I came over Cora had cooked 2 chickens to compensate for my voracious appetite and allow Gus to have chicken sandwiches for lunches at work that week. When I arrived Gus told me why the extra chicken was cooked and we laughed as he made light of how such a skinny guy could eat so much. As we sat down to dinner that night, I was not hungry and ate very little. Gus made sure he gave me a hard time in his gruff, fun loving manner and then sat me down for an hour of his famous recollections of the past. It usually began like this - " When I lived in Scarborough, I worked as a lather and there was this guy, his name was (insert name ) and he was ( inset nationality ) and then Gus would take you on a tour of the world as he saw it. I will always remember listening to Gus and his many tales of life. He was a character. Also as I say Good Bye to Gus, I want to acknowledge what a grear Grand Father he was to my children & a great Father In Law to myself. I have nothing but fond memories of Gus, may he rest in peace. Always, Your Son In Law, Brett