Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Lucy, Peter, Vuyko and grandchildren, I was very saddened to hear of the passing of Chocha Mary. My deepest condolences to you all. She was warm hearted and kind. I recall being at your house as a small child and always being looked after by your mom. Chocha was attentive to any of our needs whether it be a meal (she was a fantastic cook), dressing us up to play ouside in winter (hockey at the Smoles') or gently putting us to bed at night (the occasional sleepovers). Having been away from Windsor for many years, I did not see her often but when we did cross paths, she was always sweet, kind and caring. She always wanted to know what I was up to. She then filled me in on the kids and what they were up to. When I think of Chocha Mary, I think of her as a mother to her children first. She also had a keen sense of humour and my father, Bill, along with my godfather Peter Sr., had many a laugh throughout their many years together. Dad spoke of knowing your parents back in England after the war and writing them once he arrived in Canada. It wasn't long before they followed him here to begin their life together and start a family. Your mother was always involved in the Ukrainian Womens' League as well as a member of the church. She passed her values on to you and you have made her proud. I will miss Chocha Mary and will think of her often. My deepest condolences again to you Buyko Pete, Lucy and Peter along with your children. Veechnaya Pamyat!