Monday, January 14, 2019
I knew Sr. Louis as "Aunt Lucille." Her father, Louis Lavigne, was married to my grandmother who passed away in 1978. Aunt Lucille and "Uncle Henry" (Robert Lavigne, O.P.) made a yearly trip to Burlington where they would visit with her father and the sisters at Mount St. Mary and St. Joseph's. After Aunt Lucille moved to Windsor, I saw her only a couple of times, the last time being in the mid 1990's. I kept in touch by mail and was sorry to hear of her declining health over the past few years. I remember her as always smiling, very positive outlook, very sweet lady. Blessings to the Sisters and others who have been with her and taken care of her through her illness, my condolences to you. (One correction to the obituary - - my father, Richard Nelson, is mentioned as having pre-deceased Lucille. Richard is still alive, living in Burlington, Vermont. Thank you.) Patti (Nelson) Norton Essex, Vermont