Saturday, November 27, 2021
I don't even know where to begin ..... Penny, my dearest and best friend has been in my life forever, it seems! We were just kids 11 and 12 yrs old when we met and have been there for each other ever since. There was never a time in my life without Penny. We shared so much joy and yes, sometimes sorrow, especially at the loss of our dearest friend, Barb a few years ago. In our latest years we were neighbours living only a couple of blocks apart in our apartments and enjoying walks along the riverfront. That's what I'll miss most of all, just chatting about the latest in our lives, mostly about our kids and grandchildren. Like Barb, I will miss her so dearly. It's hard to imagine not having her to chat with, to have walks with, reminiscing and sharing our memories with! Her loss will leave a big hole in my heart, yet I know she'll always still be with me as nothing can take away my beautiful memories, they will always bring me solace whenever I need it ....... that's what friends are for! I love you and miss you, dear Penny ...... thank you for always being my friend! xx