Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Sandy, Jimmy, Sharon, Gary, Gayle & Ronny (a.k.a., the Rabbit family - are you kidding me?? 26 off-spring between the six of you??!!:-) - Seriously, on behalf of my wife Paula, and our three children, Alanna, Jaxon and Mia (who, unfortunately, have never had the pleasure of meeting you folks, but only heard stories about you when I go back into my childhood), and I know that I echo the sentiments of my siblings Cathy, Colleen, Mike (Janet & Gerry''s God son), Maureen & Margo (my brother Greg, sister Barbara, and brother Gerry, who I am quite sure was named after your dad, have passed away), our hearts ache for you in learning this sad news. At the same time, we are green with envy that you had Janet in all of your lives for such a long time. Like my mom, and given your reference in her obit about five years at Riverside Place, I''m sure Janet had some crosses to bear in her final years, but there is no doubt that she darted to Heaven in a very quick and straight line, and that among you six plus your 14 kids plus the their 12 (assuming my math is right), her legacy will be carried on in countless ways, and that she and Nicholas will be standing beside your dad, baseball Gerry, waving you around third and into "Home" on the other side. Your parents were the coolest people! We always looked forward to interactions with your family! Gerry never came over to our Everts Avenue home without some type of trick up his sleeve, and your mom treated all of us like we were her own children. She had such a pleasant demeanor, and a very genuine love for both of our families that she wore on her sleeve. She was caring, smart, and had a smile that we or you will never forget. Unfortunately, I will be unable to make it to Windsor to pay my respect, but my family will be with you in spirit every bit as much as when, in yesteryear, we might have had a picnic get-together with all of you at Memorial Park. And Ronny, in that last sandlot ball game that our dads likely had us playing with/against each other, I''m still certain that you were out at home plate! And BTW, what do you mean by referencing your Christmas �Tourti�re" as being your mom''s?? I"m sure my mom took credit for that being her invention! I remember smothering my serving with ketchup while insisting that we call it what it was, "Meat Pie," rather than that French fancy name! Although, like the time my mom put her own name on every folded piece of paper in the bowl when she conducted a secret Kris Kringle gift initiative at one Christmas with Janet & friends, maybe she was pulling a fast one over us regarding the genesis of her legendary tourti�re truly landing on your wonderful mom, who we will never forget. All the best to all of you, and if you ever get bored, feel free to pass on an update or two to me at With love and respect, Tom