Monday, January 14, 2019
Dani was my uncle. He was a hard working person, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, and I can say with all my heart, and let everyone hear me when I say this, that Dani truly fought the true fight of the faith, he fought a good fight, and now he is heaven today with Jesus by his side and he is with astonishment at what beauty Dani is seeing up there, where there is more beauty then what we could ever be explained or imagined in this life, or in the next! Dani was a hardworking person, he was courageous, and not afraid of what the future brought to him in his life. Whenever he did something, he did it to the best of his ability in anything, no matter what with great effort and efficiency.... In this Dani was a man of faith, he constantly believed, and never gave up hope! Our honest and sincere condolences to my aunt Ani, and my cousins, Lari and Dea along with everyone alongside them and all who are by their side in this time of farewell! God heal and comfort each you in this time of what you�re all going through! One day, he will be seen again, and all those who truly knew Jesus Christ and have had and have a true transformed life, will see Dani and all those who are there in heavenly glory with God! I know with all my heart that Dani truly was sincere, and completely and utterly certain of where he was going, without any doubt! Dani is in HEAVEN, there where there are no more tears, no more pain or suffering, no more sadness or distress, he is at peace and for sure left with peace and joy as he walked into the joy of his SALVATION prepared for him even before since the very foundation of this world, among the angels of heaven and all the host of there, together with everyone in the presence of our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Our most sincere condolences to each of you, Ani, Lari, and Dea! - Chris & Debora Nu soarele �ti va mai sluji ca lumina ziua, nici luna nu te va mai lumina cu lumina ei; ci Domnul va fi Lumina ta pe vecie, si Dumnezeul tau va fi slava ta. Soarele tau nu va mai asfinti, si luna ta nu se va mai �ntuneca; caci Domnul va fi Lumina ta pe vecie, si zilele suferintei tale se vor sf�rsi. Isaia 60: 19 � 20 The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light, but the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun shall no more go down, nor your moon withdraw itself, for the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of mourning shall be ended. Isaiah 60: 19 � 20 Ani, Lari, and Dea, Sa nu vi se tulbure inima! Aveti credinta �n Dumnezeu, si aveti credinta �n Mine. �n casa Tatalui Meu s�nt multe locasuri. Daca n''ar fi asa, v''as fi spus. Eu Ma duc sa va pregatesc un loc. Si dupa ce Ma voi duce si va voi pregati un loc, Ma voi �ntoarce si va voi lua cu Mine, ca acolo unde s�nt Eu, sa fiti si voi. Stiti unde Ma duc, si stiti si calea �ntr''acolo! Ioan 14: 1 � 4 Ani, Lari, and Dea, Let not your hearts be troubled! Believe in God and believe also in me. In my Father''s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going! John 14: 1 � 4 - Many Blessings from all of us here!