Saturday, January 11, 2020
To Nancy's family on behalf of the Ladies' Bible Study. We will miss Nancy. At our last get-together in December of 2019, Nancy was struggling with life, but she came and also to two or three times before that, we could see it was hard for her. When it came time for prayer requests, Nancy stayed focused. She always wanted us to pray her family would get saved. All of you. She had learned we are all born with a sin nature which God cannot allow into Heaven. But she also learned that God had sent His only begotten Son down to earth (God became flesh taking upon Himself a human body), Jesus who never sinned. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. How? By taking upon Himself our sins and being punished for them by dying in our place. Jesus had the victory over sin and death and hell by rising from the dead. He is now alive for evermore. Nancy learned that His death for our sins, burial and resurrection from the dead would not count for anyone until they opened the door of their heart and life and invited Jesus in, to be their personal Saviour. Nancy learned that she needed to call Him into her life. We believe she did just that. We believe she is with the Lord Jesus right now, enjoying his perfect peace and rest. No more pain for Nancy. "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2:21 Nancy did this! Nancy was very loving. She loved her family, she prayed for them and she cried for them, and she loved her friends. Nancy was a giver. Always wanting to give things to others. We will miss Nancy.