Wednesday, January 29, 2020
My condolences to the professor’s wife, loved ones, friends and colleagues. I never met Dr. Walton but I have read some of his books and dozens of his papers. I work as a registered nurse in California and I’ve relied on his papers and essays as a way to improve my critical thinking skills and increase my knowledge of fallacies with the hope that I can be a better nurse and a better reasoner. I’ll always be grateful to Professor Walton for writing in a clear, unpretentious style and for making much of his work available to the public for free via his personal website. I wish I could have met him and told him how his work has influenced people like me who aren’t directly connected to academia. Fortunately, his work will endure and his legacy will continue and I will be following the work of Professor Walton’s colleagues so that I can continue to learn about logic and argumentation, the field that he was so important to, the field that I find so fascinating and have learned so much from. Frank Prosl Emeryville, CA