Monday, January 14, 2019
To the Harris Family, We can not find the words to tell you how our hearts break even more with the news of your little angel. You don't know our family, but we have one thing in common. We lost our precious angel Jocelynn on November 30, 2012 at the age of 17 months. With no known cause these pass two weeks have been then hardest times of our lives. If we can offer any advice or any way to help with your pain you are going through you as the parents need to stick together. We understand you have an older child as well (like us Benjamin is 3 years old) you still need to be their for them. You will still feel your little angel with you. Keep your eyes opened she will send you signs that she is ok. This is not the usual condolence that everyone else would send as their heart breaks for your family. We wanted to give you the strength and hope for these upcoming days. This tiny bit of information is what has been told to us and is how we are getting through. Remember your lives will not move on, but it will simply continue on. Our hearts have been shattered with loss of our little girl but those shards have now been shattered a second time hearing about your loss. Please accept our deepest condolences from our family to yours. Jordan, Katelynn and Benjamin Smith