Monday, January 14, 2019
Dear Ma Stemmler, Bob & Sandy Menard, Dan & Sherry Menard, Terry & Marilyn & Mike Kerister, Jeff Stemmler, Jennifer, Lisa, Bobby-Jo & Spouses & anyone I may have left out. I cannot begin to tell you all in words just how much my heart goes out to all of you at the loss of Janice. You know in life when you meet someone who is special and that was certainly the case with Janice. She was such a fun loving person that it hurts to think of the pain you all must be feeling at this time. I am soooo sorry I was not present for her at the funeral but I did not learn about her passing until today when Tim Menard stopped by and let me know. I know to say we will all miss her dearly is an understatement. I loved her honesty cause Janice was never afraid of speaking her mind. She was truly a friend and back in the day like a sister I never had even though I have three! I had so much respect for her for just that reason. I"m sure she is in a better place right now and I am very glad that she no longer has to suffer in any more pain. She was a great person and she deserved much better. Well, I just want to let you all know that you are all in our hearts and prayers and let all our memories be fond ones. To all of you our deepest condolences from Larry & Lynda Riberdy and family.