Monday, January 14, 2019
Uncle Bob; We are so terribly sorry to hear about Aunt Barb's passing. We know that your loss will be great. You have 55 plus years of loving memories to draw strength from as well as support form your children. Kieth & Linda, Glenn, and Colleen & Glenn, our deepest sympathies are also with you. We know how hard it is to lose a Mother. The pain of your loss will lessen in small degrees over time. And give yourselves the time. To the Grandchildren; Your Grandmother will live on through you and your memories...cherish them. Always remember how proud she is of all of you. Love and condolences From the Curtis Girls and Families. Carrie, Bill, D.J. and Craig Carrol,Mark, Brenda, Kelly & Chris and Ryan Connie, Bill, Arleynne and Cullen Cathy, Jim, Courtney and Natalie Brenda, Jerry, Kayla, Samantha and Amanda Barbara, Peter, Kirt, Reyna and Ceira