Friday, April 17, 2020
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and family, and my family go back MANY years. I have countless special memories of get-togethers singing, laughing, loving, sharing. I can see them still in my mind's eye. Mrs. Cooper (she wanted me to call her "Betty " but somehow I just couldn't) lovingly refinished an antique bed for me years ago-what an amazing work she did!! I still have it and treasure it. She and my mom were dear close girlfriends and I'm sure they're now catching up in Gloryland. Not too long ago, while visiting at Sunparlour, though perhaps she wasn't entirely positive who my sister Sharon & I were, she sure remembered EVERY lyric of the old hymns we sang together. Another memory for me to treasure and a beautiful example of steadfast faith and love for our Lord. To her family, I'm so sorry for your loss. Know she made an impact. And I'm praying that our Heavenly Father holds you close, as I know He will. "What a Day That Will Be"....she's singing that now.