Monday, January 13, 2025
In remembering Aunt Karol, I am reminded of her laugh, sometimes so hearty that her eyes would water. At backyard parties, on
Pelee Island, card parties and when the three sisters would get together (See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil). I was often trusted to babysit my well-behaved and intelligent baby cousins, Shantelle and Kyle just up the street. She was my aunt, my Godmother and sometimes a trusted advisor with words of wisdom. I recall the many people I met when in her home, as she welcomed in a variety of diverse souls. One thing for sure is that she loved the Lord and that her faith was always strong. Our deepest condolences to Uncle Pat, Shantelle, Dave, Izzy, Kyle, Melissa, Christian, Mia, Aunt Shelley, Uncle Gerry, Kym and my mom, Pam. May her soul rest in eternal peace. All our love, Shauna, Toz, Sydney and Molly(Loyd).